Blockchain is a digital ledger technology stored in a digital network that is driving the financial market and is highly demanded worldwide. The digital payment like bitcoin, and Hyperledger is all based on the underlying concept of Blockchain. In the introduction to the Blockchain course, participants will learn the basic concepts of Blockchain, why there is a need for it, how it can be used in organizations for driving simplified business operations, the issues and challenges while using this technology and how they can be sorted. Blockchain technology is not just related to one field but has potential in various fields like financial services, logistics insurance, and IT.During the bitcoin workshop, participants will learn to apply the disruptive capabilities of Blockchain to new and existing financial functions to showcase how Blockchain can be used to simplify and improve existing business functions. After completion of the course, participants will be able to explain the different components involved within Blockchain, when and why it can be used within your environment, and master the high-level concepts related to cryptocurrency. After completion of the course, participants will be rewarded with ‘introduction to Blockchain’ certification and will earn the credential of Blockchain developers
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