Simpliaxis brings an Azure DevOps certification to aid individuals to learn about the ever-evolving dynamic DevOps realm. Microsoft Azure has been becoming a sought-after platform for modern-day open-source projects. As you enroll in this certification training, you'll master source control, scaling Git for enterprises, consolidating artefacts, designing dependencies for management strategy, implementing continuous integration, managing secrets, building container strategy, curating release strategy, optimizing feedback mechanisms, setting up release management workflow, and implementing deployment pattern.
Our approach comprises over 25 lab-based practical exercises that would further help you obtain in-depth knowledge and understanding of the essential concepts mentioned above. As the exam demands professionals to acquire knowledge of seven crucial subject areas, our learning path consists of the same and much more. Microsoft AZ-400 DevOps Certification Training encompasses a unique online instructor-led teaching experience accompanied by hands-on experience that will make you an expert in no time!
30K++ Enrolled
40+ Certification programs made an impact
Employee retention improved by 45%
Work satisfaction and capabilities improved by 30% on an average