Do you wish to get the knowledge necessary to effectively manage one agile team, or possibly several? Do you want to improve your capacity to lead high-profile projects that are essential to business success? Do you wish to use agile and lean methodologies in a variety of contexts, such as with non-software teams, to advance business agility?
The Disciplined Agile Senior Scrum Master (DASSM) programme teaches seasoned agile practitioners how to apply the Disciplined Agile (DATM) toolkit to enhance team productivity, collaborate with internal allies, and tackle a range of challenging issues. With the help of this 14 PDU course, you'll be ready to take the DASSM exam and apply Disciplined Agile right away in your leadership position.
70K++ Enrolled
40+ Certification programs made an impact
Employee retention improved by 45%
Work satisfaction and capabilities improved by 30% on an average